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Pthalo  blue portrait '20, Acrylic on canvas


You are exactly what you state you are. My most supportive friend, when I have something to say, you give me the confidence to do it now

Flowers '20, watercolor_mixed media on paper


You are the child in me that looks at the world for the first  time. Unafraid and bold-without borders- you are all the little surprises that makes me giggle.



You are timeless. I am allowed to think and discuss with you. You are patient and flexible and each encounter with you makes me a better person.

Everything is love

sparking emotions

I wish to inspire through my art, that feeling which will 
motivate you to chase your dream – that which is in your heart

Nude '19, Charcoal on green A4 paper


You are my first thought in the morning - the one who translates an inspiration on paper. You are my confidant that shares my secrets.

Cat and Red Flowers '18, watercolor on paper


Free and uncontained - you spread yourself as you wish. I have to be patient and careful and allow you to be independent to use your own voice.

Copyright ©  2022 Vivian Zotali

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